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Distance & Online MA in English Programs in India

In the current scenario, there is a huge advancement in the popularity of the English language. As we all know that the use of the English language has been a necessity in almost every field and it is widely used all over the world. If you are also looking forward to becoming a master of this language then, you should go for the Online and Distance MA in English language program.

  • English

Distance Online English Programs: An Overview

Master of Arts in English is a 2 year post graduate course that deals with the study of English Literature and Language all over the world. MA in English deals with various novels, stories, poetry and epics written by prominent writers. MA in English help student to have a better grasp of the English language, develop analytical skills, and critical thinking ability. MA in English Full Form is Master of Arts in English. MA in English Admission 2022 is ongoing and the most common ways of getting admission are through entrance exams or through merit-based.MA in English is also available in distance mode.
MA in English extensively covers topics from English Literature which primarily focuses on  Poetry, Prose, Drama and Linguistics. Considering the fact that Literature itself is a vast subject, students are given the opportunity to select electives and opt for a specialization of their choice. After completing an MA in English, one can choose to pursue PhD in English or can start working in various sectors such as Teaching, Journalism, Language Translator etc.

There are various English online colleges in India that provide the best online/distance learning English is an advantageous course for those students who can not apply for the regular English course due to any circumstances. The fees for online/distance English are also a bit lower than the regular English courses. Online/Distance English courses also have some specialized courses in them. The student can choose any of the courses according to their interest, this will boost your career and can give you many career opportunities.

Distance/Online English Programs:
Key Highlights

The online and distance MA course is a Graduate degree in Arts that is offered in a number of specializations.

The MA course in online and distance education gives the appropriate knowledge in different fields.

MA distance course in blended mode is the most popular post-graduation degree among students. Most of the students pursue this course even after completing graduation in different streams.

This MA course is best for working professionals who want to upgrade their knowledge and seek the best salary packages.

Online MA programs in blended mode are a good opportunity for those students who want to get the degree the MA but don’t have time to take regular classes because of some circumstances.

Distance/Online English Academic Fees

The academic fee of the online/distance English Program ranges from 30,000 to 3,00,000. The academic fee of the course varies as per the university, for instance, if you pursue your online English from a government university then the fee will be around 30,0000 and if you go to a private management institute then the fee will be around 2,00,000 and 3,00,000. However, you get more advantages in a private institution. You will get the average online English fee of the popular universities in the table below. At College Vidya, you can check the fees of most of the universities that are offering your course. For this, you need to compare by filling in your information.

Distance/Online English Programs Eligibility

Graduation degree from a recognized university

At least 45%-50% aggregate marks at the graduation level

May require to have a graduation degree along with 1-2 years of professional experience

Distance/Online English Syllabus:

Distance online English for working professionals’ syllabus comprises core subjects and elective subjects that differ as per the universities

*This only reflects the general syllabus for this and similar courses. For exact syllabus please refer to the course details section on the specific university page.

Job Opportunities For Online/Distance English Programs

There are several job sectors and profiles for students who complete MA in English courses. Considering English is one of the major official languages globally, students with a degree in English can get placed at several international job sectors.

There are a lot of options for English majors during and after college. Graduates are ready for work in almost any field because they know how to communicate, think creatively and critically, organize, and be versatile. A Master of Arts in English may open several career possibilities. Editing, journalism, teaching, and writing are some examples of traditional employment opportunities. Lately, however, many seek an MA in English to get a career in content marketing and writing or a position at a community college or university.

Top hiring firms for English graduates

Distance Online English Programs Admission Requirements

There are some common steps that you need to follow to take admissions to universities in the online English program:

  • Go to the official website of the university (the university to which you are willing to take admission).
  • Register yourself as a new user and fill out the application form with your details.
  • Submit the required documents with the application form and the registration fees.
  • In the next step, submit your academic fee via any mode of payment mentioned on the website.
  • In the end, you will get a confirmation mail along with your student enrollment number/student number.

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